What is a Talisman?
Talismans are ritually prepared sacred objects that house spiritual power and force aimed at attracting specific objectives, energies, and goals. Many cultures have various talismanic objects from regularly worn jewlery to ritually consecrated monumental structures (there is a science and art to combining architecture with magical principles creating talismanic structures).
These talismans are constructed and consecrated in a variety of forms given the cultural matrix that they arise from. Some are a set of geometric and Qabalistic symbols and words that rely on complex associations to invoke a variety of powers, while others are simple objects infused with elemental, planetary, and natural power with the goal of attracting what is desired.
Examples of talismans are lucky horse shoes aimed at bringing luck, or planetary necklace engraved with astrological symbols with the aim of bringing love.
What is an Amulet?
While Talismans are attractive by nature, amulets are apotropaic. They are intended to ward off and repel various influences, spiritual forces, and to protect the wearer.
Like talismans they are sacred objects consecrated according to traditional methods with the aim of invoking the repelling and protective powers of the celestial bodies, the inherent power of the Earth, or other spiritual powers with the aims of shielding the wearer.
Examples of amulets are things like the wedjat eye of Horus as found in Ancient Egyptian iconography and symbology aimed at warding off ill-health and the dangerous spirits of the desert spirits, and the evil eye charms of the Mediterranean aimed at warding off the envious gaze of the evil eye.
Talismans and Amulets at Conjure Man's Spiritual Practice:
At Conjure Man's Spiritual Practice we offer a variety of talismans and amulets crafted and consecrated according to the traditional methods that gave rise to them. Our talismans and amulets are directly from the traditions that we practice and therefore are influenced by hoodoo, goetic conjuring, hermetic qabalah, astrological magick, rune-craft, and Near Eastern thaumaturgy and theurgy.
If you are interested in purchasing a talisman, amulet, or having an object consecrated us contact me for further details.

The Sator square is one of the oldest European talismans influenced by Jewish QBL. It was used to put out fires, reverse witchcraft, heal and do a host of other things.